2011 / 2012
1.1 Background
of the Study
English is an important language in the world. Language is used for
communication, especially English. With that statement people can answer the question.’’Why English language is called
important language in the world?’’ Actually there are two reason, First is
because more than a half of people in the world using English for communication, it
means that people must learn English if they want to speak with people in other countries. Second is
because many books in the world are written in English and people know that
the source of knowledge is a book, if they do not understand about English, they will not
understand about contain of a book.
Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that has to be taught in many
levels of education, from the Primary School until the university. In recent
years, most of the Primary Schools have begun to introduce English into their
curriculum as a local content.
A good
teacher should ensure that his or her teaching methods are suited to the level
of cognitive development reached by the children at their schooling stage, and
thus avoid many behavior problems that occur when children become bored and
unable to follow what is being taught. Routine activities in learning can make
the students bored.
One of the
causes of failure in teaching English at the Senior high school is that the teacher still teaches with the routine activities
without considering that it will make the students bored and lost their
attention to the teaching and process. As a result, the students will not be
able to follow the lesson well because they loose their interest. So, the
teacher should apply the right teaching technique which can increase the
students' interest to the learning process in the classroom. In other words,
the technique used by the teacher in teaching English to the senior high school students should be able to create an interesting atmosphere so
that the students will be enthusiastic to the learning process.
At the senior high school where the writer conducts the research,
there is the same phenomenon in which the students face the problem in learning
English. The students' motivation is still low. Most of the students are not
interested in the teaching and learning process. It can be seen from their
behaviors in the classroom when the teaching and learning process is in
progress. They are still noisy all the time and do not pay attention to the
teacher's explanation.
From all of
the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), speaking seems
intuitively the most important because people who know a language are referred
to as speakers of that language, as if a speaking included all other kinds of
knowing and most foreign language learners are primary interested in learning
to speak.
speaking may become something difficult for English
teachers. There are many factors about it. One of those factors is the number
of the student in one class that is too many, therefore
the teacher can not pay attention to every student in one class that is too many. When the
students start to speak, the class is very noisy. The students do not talk
using English but using their own language. It does not help
them to improve their speaking.
And because
big number of the students in one class, therefore it can make some of students
are afraid to make mistakes
when they speak in the class. Automatically they become passive students in the
class and only some students who want to speak or more active in the class.
teacher should be able to encourage students to express
their feelings, thoughts, and opinion using target language. They should be
brought to the word they love. This is very important in order to avoid the
feeling of boredom and the loss of motivation.
topic can increase the students’ participation in the classroom activities. It
will bring them to the real situation and motivate them to speak. The teacher
can choose an interesting topic not only from the text book but
also from others sources in order to make students interested in the speaking
Based on
some problems above, the teacher must find a way to solve it. The reseacher is
interested to apply a media that is
similar with discussion, which is called Flash card.
Flash card is a
card with words or numbers or pictures that is flashed to a class by the
teacher, the students can be more
dare to speak about description picture or calculate number. In cooperative
learning the students must be active in
teaching and learning process, therefore it can motivate
the students to improve their achievement. Each member
of team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for
helping teammates learn, thus creating an atsmosphere of achievement. Students
work through the assignment until all group members are successfully
understand and complete it.
English means learning language components and language skills. Grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are examples of language components. The
teachers are challenged to develop various teaching techniques. The variety of
teaching techniques will help learners to get higher motivation to learn
Based on the phenomenon found in the teaching English
at senior high school above, the writer wants
to carry out a research about improving the students' motivation and
achievement in learning English. Here, the writer uses fun creating activities
as the technique in teaching English. It is also aimed to change the atmosphere
in the classroom, so that the students will feel more interested in having
lesson and to be easier in learning English. The writer would like to study
"Teaching English speaking skill through Flash card"
(A Classroom action Research to the students of MA AL ABROR Sukosewu Class X - B).
1.2 Identification of the Study